Monday, September 04, 2023

UW-Madison Covid "Expert"? Nah. He's a Science-Denier.

This is amusing, as both items aired the same day.

...Here in Wisconsin, Dr. Greg Demuri, a pediatric infectious disease expert at UW Health, fears the new school year could cause problems....

 ..."If there's an outbreak and the numbers of COVID or flu or respiratory illnesses are high in your school setting, they (students) can wear masks again. Masks really do prevent getting many of those respiratory infections."...

Oh, really, "Doctor"?  How well did "Dr." Fauci do with that line?

 ...@cnn just directly confronted Dr. Fauci on air with bullet proof scientific evidence that masks don’t work at all. It only took three years, but finally!” Outkick host Clay Travis wrote.

“Fauci confronted with most definitive data analysis possible that masks make ZERO difference against Covid. Not a little, not slight- Zero. And he just mutters some numerical illiteracy bulls–t about ‘individual protection.’ He’s a fraud and a liar,” conservative commentator Buck Sexton said....

Yes, Fauci (just like the UW moron) attempted to bamboozle Americans all over again with some innumerate horse-hockey about 'individual' vs. 'overall'

 ...“When you’re talking about the effect on the epidemic or the pandemic as a whole, the data are less strong,” Fauci admitted to CNN’s Michael Smerconish.

“But there are other studies, Michael, that show at an individual level, for individuals,” they might be protective, he said....

These two are no different than the "Climate-Change-for-Profit" crowd of liars, or the "The Election was Clean and Biden Won" crap-tossers.  For that matter, the "Ukraine Is Winning!" liars are part of the same crowd.

The only difference?  Whose pockets are being lined after the money-laundering is finished.

1 comment:

  1. A new COVID variant called BS.24/7 is sweeping across the Universe. Experts have decided to re-classify BS.24/7 to a variant of imminent death. So as a reminder, always live your life in fear and have a nice day.
