Monday, June 26, 2023

About 'The Silence' in DC

 Z-man raises a question leading to ugly answers.

...The credible charges against the Biden family are piling up, but so far, few are speaking out about it. Fringe bomb throwers like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert are making noises about it, but people with status have been slow to say anything. Chuck Grassley is the most soberminded person to raise the issue, but he was mostly ignored by his fellow senators when he raised the issue last month....

After a recitation of the (growing) litany of offenses, most with "treason" implied, Z-man gets around to it:

... What matters here is the weird cone of silence around this story. Regime media mentions it in passing, often shaping these revelations as partisan bickering. Senior Republicans are trying hard to ignore the whole thing. One reason for this wall of silence is that this sort of corruption is so common that no one knows who is clean and who is dirty. Like the corrupt police precinct, the culture of corruption breeds a culture of silence.

The Hunter Biden stuff strongly suggests that this is not an isolated thing. Everyone in Washington knew that Hunter Biden was a crackhead. The only reason anyone would do business with him was to gain favors from his father. Everyone in Washington knows how things work, so no one can claim ignorance. It is a small town and everyone knows what everyone is doing. They may not have the nitty-gritty details, but they know the general outlines. There are few secrets in Washington.

The other thing that points to a widespread culture of corruption is the outlandish nature of the crimes. Biden bragging about threatening the Ukrainians never raised any alarms in Washington, because it was the new normal. Hunter getting a no-show job at a foreign company raised no eyebrows because everyone was doing it. Hunter being a crackhead doing deals with foreign companies should have raised alarms, but official Washington looked the other way....

Umnnnhhhh, yes.  Yes, indeed!

Where is "Clean Jeans" Paul Ryan?  Bill Barr, the self-proclaimed 'ultra-Catholic'?  We know McConnell can't possibly come out of his Red Chinese-owned shell on this, but what about Tester?  Tuberville?  Hawley?  Or minor-league pension-seeker players like Cong. Grothman--a notorious liar?

Kinda gives a whole new meaning to the old saying "Silence is golden," doesn't it?

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