Sunday, May 21, 2023

"Catholic Leaders" Demand US Bankruptcy

Let's start with a fact that the MSM ignores:  the Republican position on Federal spending simply uses 2022 budget numbersThat's not a serious "reduction."

...Republicans argue the nation’s deficit spending needs to get under control, aiming to roll back spending to fiscal 2022 levels and restrict future growth....

Now come "Catholic leaders" who are perfectly happy to see the US go bankrupt.  Note that they don't shame Biden for his manipulation of the spending priorities.  Nope.  After all, Biden is a "practicing Catholic."

Sure. /sarc

Not that any of them have a self-serving agenda.  Nope.  Not them.  They're "charitable."

 ...“As Congressional leaders and the President continue to negotiate a debt ceiling agreement, it appears that eliminating food assistance, medical coverage and other family supports for those most in need tops the list of programs that could be cut,” Mary Haddad, R.S.M., president and C.E.O. of the Catholic Health Association...

Sr. Haddad is paid over $600K/year to stick her snout into the public treasury.  Her concerns for US citizens are perfectly captured in her demand that religious objections to Teh Vaxx are paramount civil rights complete and total cave-in to Fraud-Meister Fauci's flawed and erroneous demands for mandatory vaccination and peremptory exclusion of proven, viable, treatments for the ChiCom Flu.  IOW, Sr. Haddad is another fraud.

...The heads of Catholic Charities USA and Catholic Relief Services, plus representatives from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, meanwhile, wrote a letter to lawmakers, stating, “A just framework for future budgets cannot rely on disproportionate cuts in essential services to poor and other vulnerable persons.”...

 Define "essential," boys and girls.  And while you're at it, how many ILLEGALS are included in your 'other vulnerable persons' slippery-words group?

Frankly, the multi-million dollar staff budgets and lovely buildings of "charities" should be examined very closely by Catholics who understand the term 'self-sacrifice.'  Then, the profiteering of "charities" on illegal-alien trafficking should come to an immediate halt.

After that, we can have a serious chat about 'priorities.'


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