Sunday, May 21, 2023

Brits Want a Whitewash, Too

Looks like the Brit Intel establishment is running away from their crime, eh wot, old man?

British intelligence expressed skepticism about the FBI's investigation into the Donald Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia in 2016, and eventually became so concerned it stopped cooperating, according to evidence made public in Special Counsel John Durham's recent report....

...... The Brits' concern escalated throughout 2016 and 2017, eventually resulted in a UK intelligence officer refusing to aid the FBI any further, Durham's report revealed....

Oh.  So the Brits, who employed the now- disappeared Joseph Mifsud and oily 'professor,' Stefan Halper, not to mention the ex-Brit spy Christopher Steele who wrote the fiction used to begin spying on Trump, were 'skeptical.'

But not until two years into the treasonous affair!

The Brits have kept control of US foreign relations and intel operations since roughly 1900.  (They certainly had Wood-Head Wilson under their thumb.)  Trump was a threat to that control, if for no other reason than Trump was a threat to the Deep State, which includes CIA/FBI/State Department and the members and staffers of the Senate Intel Committee.

Don't for one minute believe that the Brits are clean.  This is a Bart Simpson denial:  "I didn't do it.  Nobody saw me do it.  You can't prove anything!!"

OK, Bart.

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