Tuesday, February 14, 2023

This Massie (Ky) Guy? He's GOOD!

Granted, this won't get through the Senate--and probably won't get through the House, either, due to lily-livered and/or Deep State Republicans.

But it's worth a try.

Republican Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie has reintroduced H.R. 899 for the 118th Congress, which seeks to eliminate the U.S. Department of Education.

“I have introduced a bill to terminate the Department of Education. There is no Constitutional authority for this federal bureaucracy to exist,” Massie wrote Feb. 14 on Twitter....

That's the easy way to terminate DoE.  It is the most pernicious of all Fed agencies since they pollute the minds of children.

The DoE is also armed.


  1. Cincinnati is in Hamilton County
    Hamilton County has gone Democrat.. Yuck.

    Which is why I will sell my house because of TAXES...

    Where have so many conservatives from Hamilton county gone to escape Democrat insanity?

    Why to Northern Kentucky, across the river. Housing is way cheaper!
    Who do they elect in Northern Kentucky? Massie!

    Thomas Massie's District Map


  2. https://twitter.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1626589267769311236?cxt=HHwWiIDSzcWU55ItAAAA

    Thomas Massie Tweet:

    "For 18 months, Twitter blocked my natural immunity tweets from likes and comments (and searches?). It appears they were unblocked/unflagged in the last month.

    Did CDC, FDA, or a Pfizer lobbyist direct this censorship of a Congressman communicating with constituents?"

  3. Wiping out an entire generation of American youth


    ......Since President Jimmy Carter created the Department of Education in 1979, education in the USA has been steadily declining. The USA used to lead the world in math and science, but now we lag most of the industrial nations. Worse, we are failing to teach our children to read and write; if they don’t learn to read by Third Grade, the probability they will live in poverty sky rockets. Despite concerted efforts the past few years, university enrollment in math, medicine, and engineering are declining. Some can still get a good education, but the masses are falling farther behind every year......

    Maybe we will get lucky and we can bury Jimmy Carter and the Department of Education at the same time!

    Since Hospice as at President Carters home right how, maybe hospice could be called in for the Department of Education?

