Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Cdl Roche and Merrick Garland

A couple of peas on a pod are +Roche and Garland.


Their joint worship of the god of Double Standards.

Garland prosecutes Catholic pro-lifers and America First patriots--but not insurrectionist BLM or child-mutilating "tranny surgeons."

+Roche stomps on Catholic Old Rite adherents.  But his double standard has a twist:  back then, he insisted on B-16's opening to the Old Rite as an option at the Bishop's discretion, which happens to be in accord with Canon Law.

Now?  Well, that opening to the Old Rite is no longer valid and the Bishop does NOT have an option.

As Chris Plante reminds us:  the Left would have NO standards except they have double standards.

1 comment:

  1. Where Cardinal Mueller stomps back.....

    ...Make sure you have some popcorn while reading the next two posts..

    Cardinal Müller: Bishop Bätzing Missed His Vocation


    ......German "alternative Catholicism" used the recent European Synod in Prague to show off its alleged moral and spiritual superiority over the Catholicism of the East, writes Cardinal Müller on Kath.net (13 February).

    He criticises the presiding German Bishop Bätzing who feels "disturbed" by those who call for clarity.

    The homosex and gender ideologies, which contradict every scientific, philosophical and theological anthropology, have replaced the Catholic faith in the “other Catholicism" of the "German Synodal Sect".

    According to Müller, homosexuals do not need "hypocritical gestures of inclusion" from prelates who "no longer" see themselves as servants of the Word of God, but as representatives of a transhumanist lobby.

    Müller's core statement: A bishop [= Bätzing] who “against the nature of his office” denies the self-destructive power of sin in order to thereby make the Church vulnerable to attack and portray it as "changeable" has misunderstood the mystery of salvation from sin - not to sin - and missed his vocation as successor of the apostles.

    The German Synodal Way and Bätzing are heretically opposed to the Catholic faith, writes Müller.....
