Friday, July 29, 2022

WEC's Gross Dereliction of Duty

The Wisconsin Supreme Court declared that drop-box absentee-voting is illegal early in July.  Further, the Court ruled that no one can return a ballot on behalf of another.  That was in response to the Wisconsin Election Commission's "guidance" that allowed such voting--in direct contravention of State law.

The Wisconsin Election Commission raised a one-finger salute to the Court (and voters), saying that they might meet someday to perhaps revise their flatly-illegal "guidance."  Maybe.  Who knows?  It's vacation season, after all, and then it will be Ann Jacobs' week to take a bath, and.....blah blah babble-fart.

But when a citizen made fools of the WEC by demonstrating that anyone at all can order up a ballot online and have it mailed to anyplace at all, that WEC had a meeting Right then and there.  (Did Ann Jacobs take her bath??)

That citizen had made fools of every member of the WEC.  They are a laughingstock--along with the geniuses who invented WEC:  Robin Vos and Scott Fitzgerald (and Scott Walker.)

Illegal "guidance"?  Who cares?  Que sera, sera.

Making a fool of WEC?  EMERGENCY MEETING!!!  Call the National Guard!!  Shoot to KILL!!

Note well:  the "emergency meeting" did not address the illegal "guidance."  Guess why?

WEC gaslights by stating that the system 'does not have vulnerability.'  Well, if that's the case, then how did Citizen X manage to obtain ballots in the name of others--and have them mailed to his own address? 

WEC's full-frontal lying (supported by the press which has 11% credibility or so) is designed to cover one thing, and one thing only:  the Fraudlection of '20--in which Democrat operatives ginned up just enough votes to swing Wisconsin (and Georgia, and Arizona, and Michigan, and Pennsylvania) to Biden.

The pathetic 'reporting' at Channel 58 is another example of "how to get to 11% credibility in one easy lesson.'  There's a guy who found the mouse but averted his eyes from the elephant in the room.  But his pose is cute, no?

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