Friday, July 29, 2022

The Usual Suspects (8 of 'Em!!)

At least eight people want rolling blackouts for Wisconsin's 5.5 million residents.  There may be 10.

Environmental activists and elected officials gathered outside We Energies' downtown Milwaukee office on Wednesday to express their opposition to the company's plans to delay the closure of a coal-fired power plant....

Look at the picture.  Count 'em. 

Now for a real laugh, here's what the Sierra Club had to say:

...“Delaying the retirement (of the plant) by one year could mean 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide (emitted), 2.4 deaths, additional hospital admissions including an asthma ER visit, a heart attack, over one case of bronchitis, over 26 additional asthma attacks and over 126 lost workdays.”...

"Could."  "....over one case...." (1.1?  1.76?)  "....over 126 lost workdays..." "2.4 deaths" (Which part is the .4 part that died?) 

Compare that to a rolling blackout or brownout, where 5.5++ million citizens are subject to "lost workdays," untold deaths from oxygen-pump failures and auto accidents due to traffic-signal failures, deaths from heat or freezing, millions of dollars in spoiled food in homes and grocery stores.....

But that's what all 8 of these demonstrators want, including the nun waving her Dominican title around because after all, that's what Catholics want.  Really, Sister??

The Green Revolutionaries are the single worst threat to America and humanity in general.  They are the abortion-promoters, the starvation generators, and the racial Supremacists.  They are the "eat bugs" bunch.  They are the 'you will own nothing and be happy' bougies. 

Act accordingly.

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