Saturday, April 16, 2022

What's Disney's Game?

Interesting thoughts here on the Disney gender-fluid campaign and its likely impact on politics in the future.  Note again the similarities between the gender-bender stuff and the CRT/DEI stuff.

...Disney pushes this stuff on children not to catapult them into a perverse early adulthood but rather to emotionally stunt them and keep them in a perpetual childhood wherein every selfish whim is celebrated without question or consequence.

Both critical race theory and radical gender ideology condemn reason in favor of emotion and sentimentality. Someone feels like another gender, so they are one; chromosomes and basic biology be damned. Another person feels like they are a victim of systemic racism, so they are; no matter what the statistics say.

They also divide people into us vs. them camps wherein someone is wholly good or wholly evil based on superficial characteristics. Those in the oppressed category and their suppliant “allies” are good. Those who belong to a group determined to be “dominant” or those who question the ideology are invariably bad. This makes children more distrustful of one another but more pliant toward authority, as long as that authority places them in the “good” category.

Most importantly, they foster a sense of entitlement. These ideologies teach that those from oppressed groups deserve restitution and shouldn’t be held to the same standards as people from “oppressor” groups. Those standards can be grades at school, basic social skills or adherence to the law.

If someone is part of a sexual or racial minority, them must not only be protected but also celebrated. The leeway given to this paradoxically celebrated yet simultaneously oppressed class by leftists in powerful institutions encourages antisocial and destructive behavior. We saw journalists and academics make excuse after excuse for the destruction wrought by the George Floyd riots in 2020.

This way of acting and thinking is fundamentally childish, and that’s what Disney’s end goal is by promoting these ideologies: turn spoiled, petulant kids into spoiled, petulant adults.

Why? Because a grown adult who allows their emotions to overcome their reason, behaves immaturely by closing themselves off to differing opinions, believes they are entitled to praise and has low impulse control because they’ve never been told challenged or told no is the perfect consumer....

I'll quibble with the last two words there.  They will be the 'perfect slave to the State,' no matter what the State tells them to do.  That's the danger.  Being a 'perfect consumer' is a short-term goal; Disney ought to know better than that, but......


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