Saturday, April 16, 2022

Evers-the-Groomer's Veto of Parental Rights

Tony Evers, the pipsqueak Governor (D-Groomers) has vetoed a bill which would have codified parental rights over their children in public schools.  It has implications for the Pubbie primary, too.

What rights did Evers veto?  Glad you asked!!

Under the legislation, parents would be allowed to sue school officials if one of the following rights were violated:

  • "The right to determine the religion of the child."
  • "The right to determine the type of school or educational setting the child attends."
  • "The right to determine medical care for the child, unless specified otherwise in law or court order."
  • "The right to review instructional materials and outlines used by the child's school."
  • "The right to request notice of when certain subjects will be taught or discussed in the child's classroom."
  • "The right to opt out of a class or instructional materials for reasons based on either religion or personal conviction."
  • "The right to visit the child at school during school hours, consistent with school policy, unless otherwise specified in law or court order."
  • "The right to engage with locally elected school board members of the school district in which the child is a student, including participating at regularly scheduled school board meetings."
The bill was opposed by more than a dozen groups that lobby on behalf of public schools and board members

Note that School Boards hold themselves as Ubermenschen It is reported, e.g., that the Elmbrook Board of Education is still discussing total elimination of the 'public comments' portion of their meetings OR reducing any individual's time allotment from 3 minutes to 2 minutes. The irony there is that they are not ubermenschen; they are generally the cats' paws of the Superintendents and the covens of "experts" to which they bow in abject servility.

This brings up the Republican primary.  While Tommy Thompson earns a lot of praise for his "Choice" legislation (first in the country!!!), Thompson was otherwise very kind to the education establishment.  Note that he never sought to expand "Choice," for example.  Thompson is smart enough to know that being a 'friend of public schools' is a loser.  He's also smart enough to say, but never do, things about it.


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