Sunday, January 23, 2022

Patriot Front "Data Leak"? Not So Fast

A very savvy IT babe puts the "data leak" theory to rest.

...In this video where they accidentally leave the camera running, several members of the Front remove their masks and out themselves, leading them to being tracked down by the Twitter mob and losing their jobs, homes, bank accounts, pet wombats, and so on.


Because they very carefully keep their masks in place while they swear allegiance to Hydra and then pretend to fumble with their glasses. They supposedly believe the camera is off but strangely you never get a good look at any of them.

It's not so much that they're feds, as that they are incompetent feds. They trust in the fact that the mainstream media is even more incompetent and corrupt than they are, and for the most part, they're right....
If at first you don't succeed, hire the liar-Commie who ran CIA under Obama.  He's a little better at false-flag ops.

1 comment:

  1. Saint Revolution1/25/2022 12:41 AM

    11:27 PM 01/24/2022
    2022.01.24 MON 1127pCST

    ACE OF SPADES HQ is actually Michele Kerr.

    A woman. Not a man.

    Kerr's pseudonym, "Pixy Misa", purported as some kind of IT expert, I find QUITE lacking, and not at all "very IT savvy".
    About half, ~50%, of the technical answers KERR replies are general, vague, poorly researched or unresearched, or simply technically wrong.

    I've been technical IT for ~37+ years, and technical electronics/audio/video/music for a lifetime.
    I also was a Senior SIU Investigator for one of the larger insurance companies in America.

    Kerr lives in Northern CaliforniaStan.

    In 2012, Kerr was ~46. Kerr is now ~56.

    Single, with a Son, Kerr had a long career as a "Business Process Management Consultant" (huh?) (whatever the hell that is/does when it comes to wasted corporate payouts), NOT IT, but began to tutor high school students struggling with difficult courses and standardized tests. Kerr found Kerr was good at it. Why not teach full time? Why not? There's that guaranteed taxpayer-parasite CALPeRS monthly over-bloated check 'til death do you part with the taxpayer. Whyyyyy NOT?!

    Kerr went back to school, StanFord, to get her Masters. She started/owned/ran numerous über-"Conservative" weblogs, all while working towards the liberal endgame of being another taxpayer-parasite-blight "teacher" in the California public school system. Another CALPeRS parasite. I think Kerr, like all of 'em, didn't find, so much, that she was good at tutoring, as she was good at spotting a free gravy train all the way to the coffin pillow.

    While at StanFord, the liberal academia filth tried HARD and numerous times to have Kerr literally kicked out of StanFord for her "Conservatism" and weblogs.
    They lost.
    She won. Graduated.
    We lost, inheriting another .gov tit-sucker to coddle to her grave.

    Now Kerr could/can blog her heart out with the assurance of that parasitical monthly .gov check until that heart stops. Great "Conservative", as long as the taxpayer pays for it.


    Kerr went from being some useless "Consultant" to one more useless unneeded government parasite grand piano tied to the taxpayers' wallets until Kerr hits the coffin pillow.

    Gad, how SOOO many self-purported "Conservatives" I know of that are parasitically leeching off my (and your) back pocket as public sector bureaucrats all the while proselytizing their "Conservatism" in bloviation en grande purporting to be "Conservative".

    Practice what you goddamn preach, you hypocrites.

    It is just sickening beyond sickening.
    Hypocrites to TRUE Conservativism ... all of 'em.

    Sorry, Dad29, but with all due respect to you, and I DO mean all due respect, I DO NOT find "Pixy Misa", ie, Kerr, at all, "savvy IT".
    She's exactly what she is: a parasitical pension-robbing taxpayer parasite CALPeRS California public school teacher dabbling in IT and then trying to sound like an IT expert, all with the "comfort" of knowing her pizza, soda, and internet bills are paid for for the rest of her born days, courtesy of the broken-financial-spined taxpayer.

    Another "Conservative" über-hypocrite.
