Friday, July 16, 2021

It Hits the Fan in Elmbrook

The Elmbrook School District, already under fire over its critical-race-theory instruction, found itself in another pot of hot water this week.

The conservative law firm Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty has asked the Elmbrook School District to remove sexually explicit materials from its online library....

While Esenberg refers to 'sexually explicit' material, some are calling it "obscene"--which involves criminal penalties.

...WILL said there is material containing graphic instructions on sex acts and the use of online sex apps, which, until they were recently removed, were available to children as young as third grade. The books are still available to sixth-graders.

Since July 5, other parents have confirmed the books with the sexually explicit material are available via Chromebooks to children as young as third grade, the group said in its letter....

So sex act instruction is just dandy for 12-year-olds, but not 9-year-olds?

Got it.

Here's where the fun really starts:

 ...Elmbrook School Board President Scott Wheeler and Vice President Jean Lambert said in a statement on the district's website that the books in question, "Queer" and "This Book is Gay," were never available to the district's elementary students....

Will Wheeler and Lambert testify under oath to that?  Or are they just repeating what the Superintendent--a VERY ambitious fellow--told them, hoping like Hell that he's not lying?


The material in question is 'out there' on the intertubes but no, we're not providing a link.  Suffice it to say that it is every bit as salacious and graphic (even though it's cartoon-style) as your worst fears imagine it.

Where are those in-classroom cameras for parental use when you need them?


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