Saturday, May 23, 2020

You're Not Scared Enough, Dammit!

Since some limited normalcy has returned to most of the US, the Imperial College of London put out another YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!!!  RUN!!! HIDE!!! statement.  (Same bunch that put out the 2 MILLION++ dead in the US projection, but never mind.)

You are not scared enough, so they have more scary stuff.

...The model, which has not been peer reviewed, shows that in the majority of states, a second wave looms if people abandon efforts to mitigate the viral spread.

"There's evidence that the U.S. is not under control, as an entire country," said Samir Bhatt, a senior lecturer in geostatistics at Imperial College.

The model shows potentially ominous scenarios if people move around as they did previously and do so without taking precautions. In California and Florida, the death rate could spike to roughly 1,000 deaths a day by July without efforts to mitigate the spread, according to the report....
The news outlet (The Hour) had enough sense to insert the 'which has not been peer reviewed' phrase as swallowing these studies whole has backfired.

Keep your eyes on the ball.  There is momentum among TPTB for enforcement (with cops) of 'Social Distance' and masks until a vaccine is found (not likely, ever) and/or a "cure" is found (equally.......ahhh...........challenging.)

You WILL obey.

Totalitarian states forced their subjects to lie to themselves and others.  There are a lot of lies surrounding the WuFlu, beginning with "the Chinese didn't do it" lie.



  1. Good article.

    There must be constant mockery of all of this going forward. Mockery may provide the one slim entry point for some sanity to return.

    Those supporting this bilge must be made to understand over and over again that they are behaving like cowardly morons. They must be made the butt of jokes.

    As part of that -- the source of the social distancing protocols was the brain fart of a 14 year old school girl. Gretta and now this. The remnants of Christendom being brought down by poorly raised little girls enabled by girly men.

    URLs generally break comment boxes, so to read the story, do a search on:

    social distancing born in abq teens science project

    It should be the first item from: abqjournal

  2. Kathleen: I agree, mockery is key. We found Batman party masks in the celebration aisle at Walmart. My husband and I did our shopping while wearing these masks that only cover the eyes.... Our diocesan rules for Mass attendance clearly state that "masks are obligatory" and that those who choose to receive Our Lord on the tongue will be at the end of the line. Well, well, well...I've heard that Satan hates to be mocked so...if it's masks the bishop want then I guess it's masks he'll get.
