Friday, May 22, 2020

The Masque of the Red Bishop (Seitz)

OK, so the idea of wearing a mask is to prevent YOU from giving Peking Pox to your aging and infirm mother, right?

K, then.  Let's do the math.

The basic CoronaVirus is 125 nanometers in width.  Pretty damn small.

HOW small, you ask?

THIS small:  0.00000492126"

49 millionths of an inch.  Like I said, pretty damn small.

OK, class??  Good!!

Now let's move on to ordinary single-use masks--those paper jobbers with ear-clinger straps.  They cannot stop anything smaller than...........


3 microns.

K.  So how big is three microns??  Glad you asked!!


11 ten-thousandths of an inch.

Got that?  Good.

Now, class,  can the 49 millionths CommieCrunch get through the 11 ten-thousandths face mask?


CORRECT!!  It can get through that mask along with 25 of its closest friends and KILL YOUR GRANNY DEAD RIGHT ON THE SPOT!!

Apparently Bp. Seitz never took math, eh?

This is the Bishop who encourages people to break US laws wholesale regarding immigration.  How the Hell does he expect Catholics to pay any attention to his rather oddly-mannered bleating about 'laws'--especially since he is advocating a completely useless protocol?

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