Friday, April 10, 2020

The Pachamama Pope

For roughly the last 65 years, Catholics paid attention to what a Pope said, because Popes never said anything patently silly.  One may or may not have liked what a Pope said, but you would know that what he said was based on 2,000 years of Tradition.

No more.

...Asked by British journalist Austen Ivereigh whether the COVID-19 crisis is an opportunity for an “ecological conversion,” the pontiff reasserted his belief that humanity has provoked nature by not responding adequately to the climate crisis....

...“I don’t know if it is nature’s revenge, but it is certainly nature’s response,” he added....

Ivereigh is a silly twit who asks silly-twitty questions.  The problem is that Pp. Francis takes them seriously and winds up making silly statements in response. 

But the Ivereigh interview is not the first time Francis has gone into the Land of Silly.

....Late last month the pope expressed this same belief to a Spanish journalist, insisting that the coronavirus pandemic is nature’s cry for humans to take better care of creation.

Asked whether the COVID-19 pandemic is nature’s way of taking “revenge” on humanity, the pontiff suggested that nature is calling for attention.

“Fires, earthquakes … nature is throwing a tantrum so that we will take care of her,” he said....

Nature is inanimate and does not 'send messages,' nor 'have tantrums.'  This Pope could say that 'plagues have been sent by God in the past as retribution' and be on very solid ground.  Ask the Egyptians.  That would be controversial, but only to the professional or practical atheists and agnostics around the world and on Francis' various ecological "advisory" groups, often masked as "Theological Ethics" assemblies.  With Francis, those two groups often intersect.  That's a problem.

All this fits perfectly with the Pachamama stunt that Francis' coterie pulled off last year.

We all know that the First Commandment has not been revoked.  Let's pray that Pp. Francis gains a better understanding of its plain text.  He could meditate on the message sent at the moment of Christ's death:  earthquakes, a ripped Temple veil, and bodies rising from their tombs.  That message was NOT sent by Gaia, nor Pachamama.  Nor was that message silly.

Pray that the Pope gets off the Silly Train so that Catholics can once again pay respectful attention to what the Pope says.

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