Friday, April 10, 2020

Jimmy Carter vs. Tokin' Tony Evers on Mail-In Elections

Tokin'Tony (or Maggie Gau, the doctinaire Progressive) demanded that the State of Wisconsin mail out ballots to every registered voter for its April election.

(He also demanded that there would be no COUNT of those ballots until May 7th which conflicts with the Wisconsin Constitution, but to Tony/Maggie, the Constitution is handy as toilet paper these days....)

"Mail-in" elections, along with flushing the Electoral College down the toilet (and as a consequence, flushing all of Flyover Country's votes along with it) are the Golden Rings of the quasi-Marxist Party formerly known as "Democrat."

Fortunately for them, the Chinese Lung-Rot Disease cropped up this year, just in time for a hue-and-cry for mailing ballots to everyone!!

Too bad that Jimmy Carter, a Lefty with Cred, agrees this would be the end of election integrity.

...There is bipartisan consensus that mail-in ballots are the form of voting most vulnerable to fraud. A 2005 commission led by President Jimmy Carter and James A. Baker III — George W. Bush’s secretary of state — concluded that these ballots “remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.” Ballot harvesting scandals, in which political operatives tamper with absentee ballots that voters have entrusted to them, have marred recent elections in North Carolina and Texas....
In Wisconsin, "mail-in" became a nightmare this year.  There are reports (yet to be independently validated) that boxes of ballots were sitting in Post Offices and that hundreds--or thousands--of mail-in ballot requests were not satisfied.  Let me repeat:  none of these claims have been independently verified.

Guess what?  The Carter Commission predicted that.

...Mail-in technology is also far more complex than a poll worker stuffing ballots into envelopes and opening them on return. In some cities with diverse populations, hundreds of types of ballots in multiple languages must be designed and directed to the appropriate voters in the correct precincts. Envelopes must be thick enough to protect voter privacy, and the paper thickness must be appropriate for scanners used to count ballots. When ballots are received, machines often open the envelopes and sort and tabulate the votes. These machines are expensive, and they generally take several months to order....
Wisconsin already allows "mail-in" voting which is subject not only to massive fraud--the best way for Democrats to get elected--but suffers from ordinary human errors and/or laziness, as the above reports suggest.

Let's follow Carter's advice.  Flush "mail-in", not election integrity.


  1. Astounding 72% of Americans Want Mandatory Mail-In Balloting for the 2020 Presidential Election, Even As President Trump (a Longtime Mail-in Voter) Angrily Opposes Any Expansion of Mail-In Balloting for Other Americans Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

  2. Mail-in is OK--but carefully circumscribed. Wisconsin's is leaky as Hell, but Evers will (obviously) veto any reform.

  3. "Wisconsin's is leaky as Hell..."


  4. its nature, FRAUD is designed to be 'evidence-free.'

    Any questions?

    Now, then, for the adults in the crowd, mailed ballots do NOT necessarily go to the resident/voter. They go to whoever requested it and happens to have an ID of the resident voter. Further, (in this instance only) the State did NOT require a witness signature. But a witness can also be a co-conspirator.

    Thanks for playing. Hope you can get better at it.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I mentioned that this is an adults-only combox.

    You are deleted for childishness--and stupidity.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. The truth must be told. You should have learned that on Sunday.

    So what specific evidence do you have that this type of fraud you insists happens regularly has actually occurred? What cases? Who was prosecuted?
