Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Screeching from McKenna.....Sheesh!

Ms. McKenna of Madistan has become irritating with her soprano-screech banging away on potential (D) vote fraud and losing the election(s), leading to The End of the World As We Know It.

Yah, OK.  Yes, I turned off the program and likely won't listen again until 4/8 or later.

Not to worry.  Belling will be doing the same thing in a baritone, not quite so screechy and certainly not hysterical (which is technically a property reserved to actual born-female types.)


The reason that Barrett is running drive-through voting (with fries!) and the Milwaukee and Dane County clerks are suggesting that their employees will violate Wisconsin voting law is simple:  they are scared to death that they will LOSE, and LOSE BIG.

Oh?  Really?

Yes.  Really.

Q:  Where are the legions of UW, MU, and UW-M students now?

A:  NOT VOTING EN MASSE in Madistan, Milwaukee and Milwaukee.  They are home with Mom and Dad--in whatever State they actually live--and will not be providing votes for the LeftWad running for SCOWI, nor any LeftWads in general.

Next question:  since Barrett is forced to squeeze the entire voting population of Milwaukee into only eight to twelve polling stations instead of 180, how many of the mind-numbed Democrats will actually wait in line for HOURS to vote for.........Biden?  Karofsky?  You're right.  Not many at all.  Biden and Karofsky are as inspiring as a used Kleenex.

This is not to suggest that voting is no big deal for conservatives.  It is.  By all means, VOTE!!  But to save your hearing and sanity, turn to classical music or streaming movies.  Too much Vicki is more toxic than CoViD19.

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