Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Dead by Virus? Or Dead by Stay-Home Orders?

This is a very, very bad projection.

Economic output in the United States will shrink by 34 percent in the second quarter as the CCP virus pandemic delivers a worse-than-expected hit to the economy, Goldman Sachs stated in a new report....

..."We now forecast real GDP growth of -9 percent in Q1 and -34 percent in Q2 in qoq annualized terms (vs. -6 percent and -24 percent previously) and see the unemployment rate rising to 15 percent by midyear (vs. 9 percent previously),..."--ZeroHedge quoted at Gateway

Meaning that the number of unemployed will be between 34 and 66 million.

1 comment:

  1. I thought that the Covid-19 pandemic would finally bring globalism and immigration to its knees, and the Jewish banking cabal will come to a screeching halt!

    Thanks, E. Michael Jones!

    “Just as the Black Death, which carried off 40 percent of Europe’s population in the mid-14th century, signaled the end of the Middle Ages in de Mattei’s eyes, so the coronavirus pandemic signals the end of the American Empire and the era of Globalization, as practiced by oligarchs like George Soros. Globalization is both the perpetrator and ultimate victim of the current crisis because it “destroys space and pulverizes distances.” But because God is in charge of history, Globalization finds itself subjected to the cunning of reason which has created “social distance, the isolation of the individual and quarantine,” all of which are “diametrically opposed to the ‘open society’ hoped for by George Soros.” De Mattei believes that the pandemic is bringing an end to “the world without borders.”
