Thursday, April 02, 2020

Pelosi Demands "Vote By Mail"

Good ol' (VERY ol') Nancy.  Still dedicated to stealing elections by any means necessary.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that she would like to see "vote by mail" funding of up to $4 billion in Congress' next coronavirus stimulus package for upcoming elections....

Uh-huh.  Sure.  By the way, see if you can make any sense out of this direct quote:

..."Vote-by-mail is so important to our democracy so that people have access to voting and not being deterred, especially at this time, by the ammunition to stay home,"...

" the ammunition...."?  WTF?  That's a Biden, Nancy. 

Here's the next laugh-line out of the superannuated speaker-slime:

..."The integrity of the election system is central to our democracy. I don't know how anyone could oppose our enabling the states to have vote by mail."...

The integrity of vote-by-mail is suspect; but even in states like Wisconsin which allow it, there are complaints that many people cannot upload the documentation required to obtain a mail ballot.

No doubt MaligNancy has a solution, like "Fuggedabout documents!!"

OK, then.  

1 comment:

  1. "The integrity of vote-by-mail is suspect"

    That would be Fake News on your part.
