Thursday, April 02, 2020

How Stupid Is Mark Green (of USAID)??

Yup.  That's Wisconsin's Mark Green running USAID.  You know the type:  globaloney-Pubbie, loves him some Deep State......

How stupid IS Mark Green?  You be the judge.

Vice President Mike Pence's coronavirus taskforce is now looking at the process in which the United States Agency for International Development sends medical supplies to other countries to combat the coronavirus.  

Politico reported Wednesday that a Trump administration official tried last week to obtain protective gear for American doctors and nurses from Thailand - only to be told that a shipment of the same supplies was en route to Bankgkok from the United States

That mix-up prompted Pence's taskforce to look into USAID's deliveries of personal protective equipment and place a moratorium on new shipments from USAID's stockpile being sent overseas, Politico wrote. ...

Smooth move, Mark.  Your immediate resignation is expected......tick tock tick tock......

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