Saturday, April 04, 2020

FISA Judge Spraying FooFoo Dust UPDATED

Looks like someone's trying to push all the blame to the FEEBS.

Yes, indeed, the FEEBS are dirty as Capone if not more so.  But the FISA Court of Credulous Cretins has no excuse for its total surrender to the FEEBS.

...the nation's intelligence court on Friday ordered the FBI to review more than two dozen wiretap applications to determine if they were so flawed as to have led to inappropriate spying on Americans.

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Chief Judge James Boasberg gave the bureau until June 15 to complete the review...
So far, so good.

But here's the FooFoo Dust:

...The new IG memo "reinforces the need for the Court to monitor the ongoing efforts of the FBI and DOJ to ensure that, going forward, FBI applications present accurate and complete facts,” Boasberg wrote....
You mean the "monitoring" that you and your bunch of blackrobes NEVER BOTHERED WITH?

The Court of Credulous Cretins.

UPDATE:  Da Judge also wants the names of FEEBS who submitted "materially mis-stated" stuff.  He's thinking prosecutions.  You can bet that Christoper Wray, current FEEB-in-Chief, will delay this until .........oh...........2090 or so.

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