Saturday, April 04, 2020

Dems 2, Pubbies 1 (Maybe) at Appeals Court

While the Lefties won 2 of 3 points at the 7th Circus, the Pubbies won the important one--except the 7th managed to suggest a fraud-loophole big enough for a parade of Schneider Pumpkins.

A federal appeals court Friday night denied emergency requests from Republicans to stay a judge’s ruling pushing back to April 13 the deadline for absentee ballots to be returned in Wisconsin’s spring election.

The 7th Court of Appeals also rejected a request from GOP lawmakers as well as the state and national Republican parties to stay Judge William Conley’s order that gave Wisconsin voters an additional day to request absentee ballots in light of the COVID-19 pandemic that led to the guv issuing a stay-at-home order for the state....

K.  Don't like it, but .......Run!!  Hide!!  VIRUS!!!!! is the current fad.

On the other hand, the blatant frauds schemed by the (D)s will not be too easy.

...[the] appeals court put on hold one piece of Conley’s ruling. He had ordered clerks to accept absentee ballots without a witness statement if voters submitted a statement explaining why they couldn’t safely obtain a signature from someone else on the envelope they used to mail back the ballot.

The court ruled Conley didn’t give enough weight to the state’s interest in enforcing that requirement to prevent fraud. It also noted the Wisconsin Elections Commission had posted guidance for voters struggling to safely find a witness for their ballot in light of the public health emergency....
Even so, the 7th came up with an escape plan for the Left.  This is called "legislating from the bench" in normal circles:

...we have every reason to believe the Commission, in keeping with the forward-leaning action it has taken thus far to accommodate voters’ interests while also striving to ensure their safety, will continue to consider yet other ways for voters to satisfy the statutory signature requirement (if possible, for example, by maintaining the statutory presence requirement but not requiring the witness’s physical signature).”...
Should take a Lefty fraud-schemer about .005 seconds to game that suggestion.

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