Saturday, July 27, 2019

Roversing L-R Polarity

Z-man notices what's going on and lays it out.

One of the funny things about this age is how the political poles seem to be swapping positions on a great many issues. The Right, for example, is now more concerned with the plight of the working man than the Left, while the Left is a fanatical defender of global capitalism....
 Oh, yes, that's true.

...Conservatism, properly understood, was always skeptical of capitalism, because it tended to destroy indiscriminately. Bulldozing a church to build a processing center may be a more efficient use of resources, but conservatives always knew the altar was the keystone of civilization, not the factory....
Even MORE true.

On the other hand, we have the current edition of The Left.

...Thinking of the American Left, at least the old Protestant aspects of it, as a theodicy, is a good way to understand why the people who used to sport Darwin fish on their Volvo are now extreme science deniers...
Gay "marriage", along with Tranny Thought, come to mind.  It's not different from the Truth-Denial of Jerry Nadler vis-a-vis Trump, although the premise is far less significant in Nadler's case.

Z-man's conclusion is a bit dark.

Along the way, he mentions the primal fallacy of both Left and (political) Right:

...The left-wing science deniers are playing the antagonist role of the Church and the humans sciences are in the protagonist role. This is probably comforting to the empirically minded, as it suggests they will eventually triumph in the end. Not only is this a faulty reading of history, particularly the Church, it assumes that human progress is inevitable. That no matter what they do, the march of science will continue unabated....
Anyone who claims that "human progress" has taken place only has to look at the murder rates around the world, or even in Chicago, Baltimore, and Atlanta.  Yes, the US rates are 'better' than in Somalia, Congo, Iran, and Niger--but only if you exclude abortion. 

"Better," eh?  That's "progress."


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