Monday, February 04, 2019

That Houston Raid: Wrong Address??

Below we obliquely referenced a Houston raid/shooting in which four LEO's were killed, along with the two occupants of the house they raided.

No matter what, when six people die, it's no damn good at all.  But there are reports that the whole thing  could have been avoided.

...Something Art Acevedo did not say is that the officers who entered the home were in plain clothes—not uniforms.

What’s more, upon entering the house, they immediately began shooting as one officer killed the couple’s dog. That’s when Tuttle came out of the back room with his .357 handgun and opened fire.
Even more suspicious is the fact that these alleged black tar heroin dealers—had no heroin. The only thing police alleged to have found was a small bit of marijuana and a white powdery substance. Police also said they found several guns, which all happened to be entirely legal....

Neighbors state, loudly and flat-out, that this couple was NOT dealing drugs, period, and the chief of police is being evasive about pertinent facts--like whether there was a criminal record for either of the occupants.  Hint:  there is NOT such a record.

Some way, some how, these "tips" should be FAR better vetted by the cops.


  1. From the open sources, it strikes me as most likely that these cops mostly shot each other. The majority were firing from behind cover, at a husband nearby and shooting, and a wife who was supposedly (allegedly!) grappling for a gun with another officer.

    We'll never get confirmation of that, but I'd wager a tidy sum that ballistics show that the cops who were shot were shot mostly by other cops.

  2. Well--if that's the case--we will NEVER see that report.
