Sunday, February 17, 2019

Establishment Twit: Russia Monomaniac

When you hear someone yapping and drooling about "Russia Russia Russia," you're hearing an Establishment Twit.  They are usually One-World/New World Order squirrels, too; as a result, they face Brussels to pray, not the US which provides their rather fat living. 

Normal people who didn't go to an Ivy League school, nor drink the Magic PixieDust water of Mordor on the Potomac, understand that Red China and Iran are actual threats.  They understand that because Red China has tried very hard to de-industrialize the entire USA, and Iran is run by religious nutjobs who also happen to believe a nutjob's religion, which is determined to wipe out adherents of any OTHER religion.

THOSE are threats.

McCain 'splains the rest of the Twit Fairy Tale here; it's Globaloney all over again.

...This obsession with preserving the European Union explains why the same people who hate Trump also oppose “Brexit,” because a re-assertion of British sovereignty threatens the E.U.-centric mentality of the elite, in quite the same way that Trump’s “America first” approach offends those who want to see the U.S. “lead from behind.” Even though Andrew McCabe was never elected or appointed to any post that would require him to have an opinion on U.S. foreign policy, it is obvious that the former deputy FBI director had absorbed the establishment elite’s worldview, including their paranoid fear of Russian influence....
Perjurer McCabe, the shitball perjurer Comey, the Communist perjurer Brennan, and damn near every Obozo appointee in the FedGov are part of this bunch, and the next generation of them has Occasional-Cortex as their leader.

Think about that.

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