Sunday, February 17, 2019

"Border Bishops": HUH??

The "border Bishops" of the Church do not like The Wall.

..."In our view, a border wall is first and foremost a symbol of division and animosity between two friendly countries. Furthermore, the wall would be an ineffective use of resources at a time of financial austerity; it would also would destroy parts of the environment, disrupt the livelihoods of ranchers and farmers, weaken cooperation and commerce between border communities, and, at least in one instance, undermine the right to the freedom of worship," said the statement...

Lots to fisk, eh?

First off, it's not "a symbol of division and animosity"; it IS a division but it has nothing to do with "animosity."  The "division" is exactly analogous to the locked door(s) in your respective residences, chancery offices, and churches, boys.

Second:  WHAT "financial austerity" are you talking about?  Trump--like Obozo--is a spendthrift.  In the highly unlikely event that you disapprove of Big Spending By Government, we may agree.  But I know better.  You love Government money-spending.  Stop the innocent-little-girl act.

Third"Destroy the Environment?  Be serious.  If The Wall is 2,000 miles long (it won't be) and if there is a TWO HUNDRED FOOT bare-ground space next to the wall, that's only 26,500 acres (or so) of "destruction.The USA occupies 1.9 BILLION acres.  If you're all that concerned, go plant a garden next to The Wall.  Be sure to maintain it.  (Quick question:  how much "environmental destruction" is done by your impervious-asphalt church parking lots, Excellencies??  Hmmmmm??)  UPDATE:  Looks like only 200 miles of border wall, so only a microscopic 2,650 acres of nuclear-grade environmental destruction, boys.

Fourth:  Prostitution and drug-sales in Juarez are doing just fine, even with The Wall which separates it from El Paso.  Legitimate business and governmental cooperation will continue, just as is the case in that sector.  Perhaps you've heard of "telephones" and "wireless", the Internet, "trucks" and "cars"?

Finally, if you are really concerned with "freedom to worship," Excellencies, how many Extraordinary Form Masses are available EVERY WEEK in each of your Dioceses?  (HINT:  An answer of "Ten or Less" automatically means that YOU prevent "freedom to worship.")

Maybe you'd best be concerned with the eternal salvation of souls and a bunch of evangelization, eh?  You certainly don't want to be like the South American Bishops, whose congregations ran off to the Fundies, do you?

By the way:  find someone with more than college-sophomore intellect to write your press releases, please!  You're embarrassing Catholics with this drivel.  


  1. These bishops need to resign in disgrace!

  2. Expecting 'c'atholic bishops to actually be Catholic is like expecting to pick up a turd by the clean end.

  3. Our bishops have not left us without clear teaching. I just listen to them and usually assume the opposite is what I should do. How much clearer can you be?
