Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wm. Barr: Statist Extraordinaire, Not Qualified!

Earlier we mentioned that Wm. Barr, an ash-heap relic of the GHWBush Administration, is not to be trusted on Second Amendment matters. 

As it turns out, he's not to be trusted by American citizens, period--because when it's FBI and U S Marshals or mothers holding infants, Barr will work like Hell for the FBI or Marshals.

Just in case you don't remember why Trump was elected, here's a brief tour through the Bad Old Days of Establishment Republican Government--which looks a helluva lot like Establishment Democrat Government (Waco, anyone?)  

It involves dead civilians and protected Government agents It's the Ruling Class redux.

The Feds entrapped Randy Weaver on a weapons charge, then moved in to take him.  They killed his 14-y-o son in the woods on Weaver's property, then a sniper took out Weaver's wife who was holding her infant in a doorway.  They also shot Weaver--in the back--but he survived.

Classy, eh?

It gets better:

After an Idaho jury found Weaver not guilty on almost all charges, federal judge Edward Lodge slammed the Justice Department and FBI for concealing evidence and showing “a callous disregard for the rights of the defendants and the interests of justice.” A Justice Department internal investigation compiled a 542-page report detailing federal misconduct and coverups in the case and suggested criminal charges against FBI officials involved in Ruby Ridge.

Dead mother?  Rogue FBI and Marshals?  Too bad, so sad.  And there's more!!

The Justice Department paid $3 million to settle a wrongful death lawsuit from the Weaver family. But when Boundary County, Idaho filed criminal charges against Horiuchi [the Feeb sniper], Barr sprang to action seeking immunity for FBI snipers. He spearheaded efforts to sway the court to dismiss all charges because holding a sniper liable would “severely undermine, if not cripple, the ability of future attorneys general to rely on such specialized units in moments of crisis such as hostage taking and terrorist acts.”

Some good questions here:

[Appeals Judge] Kozinski, writing for the majority, declared: “A group of FBI agents formulated rules of engagement that permitted their colleagues to hide in the bushes and gun down men who posed no immediate threat.  Such wartime rules are patently unconstitutional for a police action.”
Does William Barr still endorse “wartime rules” and a “007 standard” that absolve federal agents for questionable shootings of Americans?  Does Barr consider “illegal government killings” to be an oxymoron? Best of all, can Barr explain to us his understanding of the phrase “government under the law”?

Who told Trump to put this guy up as the nominee?  And why did Trump take THAT advice?

Regardless of that, here's betting that Barr will be confirmed with a lop-sided vote including a bunch of Democrats.  Barr IS the Revenge of the Ruling Class, folks.

1 comment:

  1. Check out Barr's links to the Catholic Information Center also to Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society. there are links also to McCloskey. Leo and the Federalist Society are said to have been behind Trumps last two Supreme Court picks. And what is the thread that joins them called catholic credentials, the CIA and Opus Dei.
