Friday, July 10, 2015

Charlie, What I Don't Get....

During yesterday's program, Charlie railed mightily against The Donald.  Well, yah.  The Donald is a megalomaniac blowhard.  This makes him about the same as Mitch McConnell, except for the hair,  McConnell's aversion to conflict with Obozo, and McConnell's position as an Eminento of the Ruling Class.

That's not the first time that Charlie became the voice of Reince Priebus, and it won't be the last.

But there's this nagging little problem.

...The party of smaller government has bought into the idea that Washington knows better than the states.  Republicans in the House voted for the idea that Washington knows better than the parent when it comes to educating children.  Republicans are doing their best to brand themselves as Democrat-lite and it will expedite Hillary’s coronation as our next president....

... Republicans have not challenged the president.  They allow President Obama to negotiate a peace treaty with Iran and abdicate their responsibility to ratify that treaty.  Republicans give President Obama a huge victory on trade when many conservatives called for this debate to happen in the next administration and with a president who would not hide details of the trade deal.  Republicans have yet to pick a fight with a president who is still more unpopular than popular....

Remember the Pubbie collapse on the debt-ceiling?  On ObozoCare?  On the budget?  How about the IRS scandal?  Or Holder (in general)?  Which (R) has declared that as President, he/she will NOT enforce Obergefell?  Which (R) has said that, as President, they'll adopt the "One Penny" solution to the deficit? 

Charlie, what I don't get is this:  who needs the Reince Priebus Party?

We all know that The Donald is a social leftist and that when the rubber meets the road, his tires will shred pretty quickly.

But which Priebus-(R) is actually going to say AND DO what's right, Charlie?

(So far, the closest one is Cruz.  Will he be Reince-approved?)

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