Thursday, June 06, 2013

Yup. Obozo Surveills ALL Telephone Carriers

I speculated that Verizon was not the only phone carrier subject to Uber-Fuhrer Obozo's orders.

And I was right.

The Associated Press (no stranger to surveillance) reported some two hours ago that the NSA metadata harvesting extends beyond Verizon to include all major American telephone carriers. 

Buy.  More.  Ammo.


  1. Your boyzzz created this monster. Like Gitmo, it's never easy to undo the unconstitutional acts of your forebears.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anon, it was your boyzzzz who took it to 11.

  4. Bush spied on terrorists, Obama is spying on Americans.

    Wonder why Obama couldn't have prevented the Boston bombing? Probably didn't want to profile them. He had their phone records...

  5. When Obama reads about this in the paper he is going to be pissed!

  6. Bush spied on terrorists only? Sir, let us not be naive about this. Of course what the monster Obama is doing is carrying it to the Nth degree, but the hapless Bush, of the Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party, is no innocent lamb. He ordered the initial evisceration of the 4th Amendment.

  7. He was dealt a bad hand. He did something about it.

    Obama was dealt a bad economic hand. He did noting about anything but lie, lie,lie...

    he is a naked emperor. Bush is still wearing clothes.

  8. Bush is painting self-portraits of himself in the tub when he is not wearing his clothes.
