Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Obozo to Unemployed Engineer: "Eat Dirt, Dog!"

The Wedel case didn't make any difference to Obama; he's circumventing Congress (again) and will be encouraging age-discriminatory hiring by high-tech firms.

Sen. Grassley gets it:

...Despite your online chat and interest in investigating the problem, just last week, your administration proposed rules to “attract and retain highly skilled immigrants.”  The Department of Homeland Security will expand the eligibility for foreign students to stay in the U.S. under the Optional Practical Training program.  This program does not have U.S. worker protections, nor does it require that employers pay prevailing wages to these foreign students/employees.  Your administration will also provide work authorizations to spouses of H-1B visa holders, thus increasing the competition for many Americans who are looking for work.   It’s astonishing that, at this time of record unemployment, your administration’s solution is to grant more work authorizations to foreign workers.  These initiatives will do very little to boost our economy or increase our competitiveness.

Not that Obozo is the only politician who throws highly-educated US citizens under the bus; GWB was another, and Congress is filled to the rim with people who fellate "high-tech" firms with immigration law accomodations.

This will be an interesting campaign.

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