Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Now It's Santorum v. Rombama

Mere "beauty contests"?  Not.

With Gingrich going the way of Pawlenty, Cain, and Bachmann, the battle for the Republican Party's soul is now clear.

Rombama, a Big-Government-Protection machine v. an actual Conservative who will place American families first.


  1. I would consider voting for Santorum if he names Ron Paul secretary of the Treasury and gave him a billy club to use on the federal reserve......

    Yes I would vote for Santorum if it ment an end to business as usual and a true embrace of subsidiarity.

    Verdict is still out in my mind.

    Romney & Obama are completely unacceptable but Mr. Santorum needs come clean on the Torture and close ties with NeoCONS and if Middle east Christian bloodshed stops

  2. I am absolutely not Ron Paul anymore.
    He is pro-abortion.

  3. Good luck, GOP, IF this trend continues.

  4. So Santorum has effectively voted to support abortion too? Mr. Catholic?

  5. As I've commented before, I wouldn't hold out too much hope in a Santorum presidency. I hope I am completely wrong, but there are far too many problematical stances he has taken.

    His pro-life credentials are not untarnished, I'm afraid. He is too much of a "party" politician. He is insanely pro-war against people who have done us no harm whatsoever. These are all very disturbing traits.

    Would he suddenly become a better man on these issues if elected? History would suggest "no."
