Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How ObozoCare Defines "Family"

Now that the box of chocolates other brown-colored material is opened, we get to learn what's in it!

The bill begins with an enormous number of definitions, most of which simply pass the buck to other federal statutes for their content. One of those defined in the section, however, is that of "family," and the definition as given should give distributists serious concern. "The term 'family,'" the bill tells us, "means an individual and includes the individual’s dependents."

....Means "an individual"?

The legal beagles will have a field day with this, but ya know, we've used the term 'individual' to denote one sort of health-insurance coverage for years without confusion.

HT: Badger

1 comment:

  1. "The term 'family,'" the bill tells us, "means an individual and includes the individual’s dependents."

    Similar to how a corporation today is considered a person who is afforded free speech rights, aina?
