Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Dance of Liturgy

There are some who will never quite understand the use of the term 'dance' vis-a-vis the Mass. They are the same people who insist on having music played or sung throughout the entire celebration.

Ignorant, if well-intentioned.

Anyhow, here's a perceptive but not exhaustive writeup of the question which clarifies!

...While dancing itself does not belong in the Mass, it is entirely appropriate to describe the Mass as a dance – a sacred series of rhythmic movements and gestures, often accompanied by music, that aims to “entertain,” that is, to offer perfect worship to God. In fact, when the Mass is celebrated with proper solemnity and reverence, it has, from beginning to end, an internal rhythm and dynamic of its own as it marches to the dictates of the Church and salvation history. >The sacred action of the Mass is dance par excellence...

...One external incursion, for example, comes just before the end of Mass: the faithful have just received the Eucharist, prayed silently, and joined with the concluding prayer said by the priest. Then a voice intercedes from the ambo, asking everyone to sit for some brief announcements (General Instruction of the Roman Missal 90).

There's more at the link, and it's worthwhile.

HT: Catholic Thing

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