Thursday, April 28, 2011

Backbone Emerges in Chicago Chancery

Frankly, I didn't think this would happen.

Citing what he called threats from the Rev. Michael Pfleger to leave the church, Cardinal Francis George has removed the outspoken priest from St. Sabina parish and has suspended his “sacramental faculties as a priest.

Pfleger had publicly feuded with the cardinal about possibly being reassigned to Leo High School, telling a radio show recently that he would look outside the Catholic church if offered no other choice.

“If that is truly your attitude, you have already left the Catholic Church and are therefore not able to pastor a Catholic parish,” George wrote in a letter dated today.

Pray for the Cardinal, who will be labeled libeled as a "racist" immediately.

HT: Gateway

1 comment:

  1. And I'm sure Pfleger's vicar (Bishop Joseph Perry) will be called an Uncle Tom and Oreo...
