Monday, February 21, 2011

Capper's Pals

A video montage of the pot-smoking/semi-drunks in OUR Capitol building, featuring signs from some of the active groups: Commies, LaRaza,......

And what's with the mestizo drumbeat?

HT: Zippers


  1. It's not even Monday afternoon and you forgot the message at church, huh!

  2. Interesting that the local media hasn't shown the LaRaza, SDS, etc. banners for everyone to see. But not surprising.

  3. Hey, you still have the message from another posting from some zip anony who stated "Capper should be raped". Refer to your Real World v. Politicians post.

    I'm only a troll if I hit and run. I don't. I leave my mark everywhere. I try to be respectful, but I will admit, I can't check my sarcastic nature at the door.

    But at least I don't indirectly enable someone to get away with advocating the sodomizing of another human being. That's not what Catholics stand for.
