Thursday, April 29, 2010

Next Advent: the Advent of the New Missal

The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments is to issue its formal approval of the new English translation of the complete Roman Missal later today.

The recognitio comes after nearly ten years of study and sometimes difficult consultation over the new translation of prayers for the Mass.

...Advent next year is considered to be the most likely time, once various technical adjustments and printing are completed.

I can guarantee you that some heads will be exploding in Milwaukee--you could start with the list found at "We Resist Actual Translations" (or whatever they call themselves.)

'S OK. 'They're old now, and they'll be gone soon', in the unforgettable words of Rembert Weakland, OSB, disgraced former Archbishop of Milwaukee.


  1. I'll make sure to inquire about the new missals when they are released!

  2. It is amazing how bad that current ICEL translation is.

  3. It can't come soon enough. My missal has about had it and it will be a struggle to last another 18 months or so. Else I'll just have to go to St. Stan's as my EF Missal is still in pristine condition...
