Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Next Cardinal of NYC?

Here's an interesting tidbit:

The German daily Der Standard, picking up on the report in La Repubblica, said that if Cardinal Schönborn were to take the post, Cardinal Levada would have to return to the United States.

"The post" is Dottrina--Congregation for Doctrine (the Inquisition Seat.)

That would put Cdl Levada in play for NYC Archdiocese.

HT: American Papist

1 comment:

  1. I hope not. Levada is a good Curial bishop, but a rather weak diocesan one.

    We have plenty of orthodox bishops when it comes to the faith, the deficit is usually in their leadership skills and their willingness to ignore and accomdate. Cardinal Law would have been great in the Curia, but he was a disaster in a diocese.
