Sunday, December 29, 2024

Is Chlorine-Treated Water a Danger?

Most of you remember that Dr. Pierre Kory was one of the physicians who was "othered" during the Covid scare, because Dr. Kory realized and publicized the dangers (and futility) of intubation, among other EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLLLLLLLLL things.

Yah, sure.

Anyhow, Kory essayed on the use of chlorine.

...By the end of this post, I hope to convince you that the treatment many thought that Trump was referring to (e.g. chlorine dioxide which is NOT bleach (bleach is sodium hypochlorite) is not only an extremely safe and highly effective treatment for Covid, but it also works against a diverse and likely complete array of pathogenic organisms.

You also won’t be surprised to learn that nearly every single health or regulatory agency in the world refers to chlorine dioxide as “bleach” or “bleach-like” and they maintain that there is “insufficient evidence” to recommend it as a treatment (and also that it is “very dangerous and should never be ingested.” Sound familiar?

By now, most of my readers can already call bullshit. Statements from authorities like the ones above are indefensible given the fact that over 500 U.S public water treatment plants add chlorine dioxide to the water full time and as many as 900 use it either part time or seasonally (Leister 2021). Safety levels of orally ingested doses have been well established and are far above therapeutic dosing ranges, period.

Further, numerous oral care and dental products on the market contain chlorine dioxide and a number of trials using intravenous chlorine dioxide have been done safely.

It would appear, once again, that like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, chlorine dioxide is the target of a Disinformation campaign given how broadly effective, inexpensive, and widely available it is as a therapeutic. To demonstrate how “dangerous” chlorine dioxide is to the powers that be, know that chlorine dioxide was attacked as a proposed treatment for Covid -19 even before HCQ and ivermectin. It literally was one of the first therapeutics “they” tried to discredit as physicians across the world were searching for effective therapeutics for our patients We were simply told to stay away from “bleach” (which seemed reasonable to me at the time)....

Well, then.  It would appear that the question about chloride is more a matter of "when", "how often", and "how much" than whether the stuff has very good effects.

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