Saturday, October 05, 2024

Who's Getting the Kickbacks?

 Over the last 90 days, I've thrown away at least 100 mailing pieces from Trump and Hovde.  Letters, stupid 4X8 glossy one-pieces, larger glossies.............

Who's getting the kickbacks for all that crap?



  1. If you were paying attention, you would have noticed that neither the Orange Felon or Pornstache Carpetbanker sent those fliers. All the ones for the Felon are from wisgop with a few from his PACs. All the Californian's are from AfP, which is, of course, the Koch Empire. You're welcome.

  2. Such cutsie names you have for them

  3. Capper is a Union Guy. They spend their days making up grade-school name-calls while collecting pay from Milwaukee County
