Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Tucker on Iran: Smart!

An enlightening exchange at The American Conservative.

...I asked what his interactions with people on the tour had been like. Sounding somewhat dejected, he replied, “There seems to be a lot of chaos, a lot of lying going on in our country. I am amazed at the amount of blatant propaganda that people still believe.” Asked what he meant specifically,  he answered, “This stuff with Iran.” 


I asked whether he meant the FBI’s assertion that there were teams of Iranian-backed groups in the US trying to kill Donald Trump. “You don’t really believe that, do you?” he interrupted. I denied it. “Okay, good. Because, you know, I’ve been around the block, and since 2003 it seems like everyone in the intel community shouts ‘Iran, Iran, Iran,’ every time there is a national security threat,” he said. “It’s truly shocking that people, especially those on the right, still believe that Iran is our greatest national security threat.” 

When the "Iranian Threat to Trump" news broke, it occurred to me that both:  1) it's likely, and 2)  it's a great cover-story for what the Deep State will try to do.  Obviously, Tucker believes #2.  

...I asked Tucker for his reaction to Mark Levin’s recent suggestion that the United States should treat Iran’s speculated involvement in the assassination attempts on Donald Trump as an act of war. He scoffed, “That’s truly deranged. Hard to believe and take seriously. Anyone who is repeating this line about Iran is a liar. Realistically, Iran does not want a hot war with the United States and has tried to avoid one for the last year. It is one of the most sinister lies out there.” ...

Old Yeller needs to Yell.  It's all he does.

And Tucker has a point:  even the cray-cray mullahs are not THAT cray-cray.  Nor will they persuade Putin to join them in an a joint attack on the US.  He's not cray-cray, either.

So far, Iran's noisiest overt ally over there is the Houthis.  It will take Trump about 30 minutes to eradicate them after he assumes office.  It will take him another 30 minutes to order the Pentagon to pull all our troops out of the Middle East (excepting the carrier groups).  A couple of days later he can pull all our troops out of Europe, excepting those staffing Ramstein--until we close that down, too.

We can still support Israel's war on Iran--if Benji chooses to go that far--with intel and some weapons.  Maybe Trump can draft Levin and send him.

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