Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Screwing the Beef Industry Over "Green" Goals

The AG of New York State files suit against JBS meatpackers over "Green" goals pledge.

Sure, she's trying to screw JBS.  That's what politically correct and enlightened AG's do.  

But there will be other victims:  you, and  you, and you.

...In her complaint, James states that the company had no plan to reach net zero by 2040, and even if it had, JBS “could not feasibly meet its pledge because there are no proven agricultural practices to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero at the JBS Group’s current scale.” 

The complaint also argues that offsetting those emissions would be very expensive, “of an unprecedented degree.”

In other words, according to the lawsuit, it’s impossible for JBS to produce beef at the scale the company does without producing emissions, and any plan to eliminate those emissions would be cost-prohibitive. This is precisely the argument net-zero critics are making about all big industries....

You didn't really want to eat beef, didja?

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