Wednesday, October 16, 2024

"My Federal Job" = "Safety of Democracy"

Really.  That's the level of 'thought' from Federal employees.

...It's "in the back of everybody's mind" that a Trump administration might purge the federal workforce, said one employee at the National Science Foundation. "People are worried, but anybody who has half a brain is existentially afraid for the safety of democracy,"...

We don't live in a democracy in the United States.  Never have.  

I struggle to lay a finger on that line in the Constitution which creates--or even authorizes--the EPA, the Department of Education, the CDC, the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Labor.........we could go on.

The stark, raving, fear of the bloodsucking worms, those pustules on the cancerous and  infected anus called "Washington, D.C." is a delight to tax-slaves everywhere else in this country.



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