Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Total Incompetence: the US Navy

A fine way to wake up, eh?

The ONLY oiler (fuel supplier ship) for the Abraham Lincoln carrier group, currently in the Med, ran hard aground.  It will not move.  The rudder is seriously damaged.

Karl Denninger:

...We have only one oiler -- vessels that carry fuel for things like, oh, aircraft -- available where that ship is.  ONE, and it just went hard aground and apparently, from that video, ripped up the rudder post mount quite nicely, shearing off several bolts.

How much damage was done to the underwater gear?  I don't think anyone knows yet but it clearly is leaking so the answer isn't "none."  Whether that damage impacts its mobility (e.g. rudder jammed or the screw damaged) is an open question, but its not going anywhere while hard aground -- that much I can assure you.

How "capable" is our allegedly "great" military of doing its job right now?  You know, actual fighting in a lethal combat situation where the other side can shoot back?...

IIRC, a couple of USN vesssels collided with each other a few years back.  A USN commander was fired after he posed with a rifle--on which the scope was mounted backwards.  There are probably other "incidents" in the last 5 years or so which don't immediately come to mind.

...How many of our "officers" running said vessels and other assets are not competent to do the job under pressure when they ground ships (or, as we've previously seen, run them into other vessels) when nobody is shooting at them?

How many of said "officers" were promoted because of their blue hair, what they have between their legs and/or pronouns rather than because they were the person who was most competent to take that command irrespective of any of that horseshit?...

Annapolis and the USN went hard-Left several years ago.  They seem to be the most "woke" (read:  stupid) of all the branches.  So far.

Trump's task will be Herculian.  Let's hope he can get 50% done, leaving the rest to Vance.

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