Sunday, September 22, 2024

Tony Evers Funds Racist, LBGTQ-Pusher Group

The State of Wisconsin (read:  Tony Evers) is funding a trade group which pushes racism, riots, and LBGTQ++ "teachings" onto daycare children.  (The trade group is WECA.  That website gives you the names and affiliations of its Board of Directors.)

Yes.  Kids in day care.  Your infant-through-5 year olds.

A tax-funded Wisconsin organization trained daycare workers to teach infants and toddlers to participate in violent partisan protests and support abolishing the police.

Daycare workers who participated in an April training from the tax-funded organization Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA) received “diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging” kits worth $600 each that included board books teaching babies race hatred and gender dysphoria. ...

During a "training" for daycare workers:

...Madison and Johnson went on to encourage daycare workers to adopt “race related teaching practices” that elevate “awareness of race-related injustices and the inclination to take action to stop them.” Below are slides presented during their training....

That is ipso facto racist.

 ...Johnson said the step of “recognizing race-related injustices and taking action to stop them” is “very important.” She also said providing babies, toddlers, and preschoolers books that push leftist activism and racial and sexual grievance mentalities is a “key strategy” for social justice activists....

 Because grade school, high school, and college "Marxist theory/Alinskyite education" is not enough!

Think your daycare is "clean"?  Think again.

...As The Federalist reported in a companion article, “A nonprofit organization, WECA functions essentially as a private arm of government. To be licensed for business in Wisconsin, daycare providers in certain parts of the state must take a pre-licensing class with WECA. WECA also provides continuing education for daycare providers, who must take at least 15 hours of such training every year to maintain their state license …”...

Oh, yes, there's more!

One of the books that WECA pushes is titled Being You.

 ...Being You further tells babies: “Some babies grow into a different gender than the one that grown-ups called them … Some people are girls. Some people are boys. Some people are neither. Some people are both.”

It also tells tiny children, “For a long time, many people have said and believed untrue things like: ‘You are either a boy or a girl’ … People who work together to change unfair rules about gender are called feminists.” The board book approvingly depicts an activist child changing a sign on a girl’s bathroom to say “All gender” instead of “Girls.”...

The kit is full of valuable stuff!  Another example:

... A third book in the kit, also by Madison, Ralli, and Passchier, is Together: A First Conversation about Love. It shows a man wearing a princess mermaid costume holding a little girl’s hand, a gay wedding, and multiple homosexual couples. It tells children, “not every family is loving … If someone hurts you, and anyone says it’s because that person loves you, they’re wrong.”...

"Gay couples" can be seen in a lot of television ads.  The book is redundant.

You've been asking "Wait, wait!!  Where's the White Supremacy?"

Glad you asked!

...[the] section for adults claims, “Ideas about the superiority of the nuclear family are deeply connected to the origins of white supremacy, Christian hegemony, and settler colonialism.”...

(Not to mention the laws of nature and well over 5,000 years of experience.)

Naturally, WECA claims that these subversive/activist DEI/LBGTQ kits were "privately funded."  They have to, as it is a violation of both State and Federal law for them to acquire and distribute them with tax dollars.  Not that "law" makes any difference to the Democrats. 

Check the shelves at your daycare if your children are in one.  Make damn sure that your daycare provider knows your thoughts on this crapolaUse your outside voice if necessary.

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