Sunday, September 29, 2024

Suicide: An Atheist Problem

Interesting little piece here.  (HT Vox)

Depression is a serious problem with in the greater atheist community and far too often, that depression has led to suicide. This is something many of my fellow atheists often don’t like to admit, but it is true. I know a lot of atheists, myself included, would all like to believe that atheists are happier people than religious believers and in many ways we are. But we also have to accept the reality that in some very important ways we are not....

The author goes on to blame religious people--Christians--for suicides of atheists.

Vox puts that into its place:

Never have any sympathy for atheists, who are the “fools” often described in the Bible. Because atheists aren’t just socially-disabled retards, they’re self-destructive socially-disabled retards who blame everyone else for their own self-destructive actions...They’re less likely to ever get married or to have children, while they’re much more likely to be depressed, to be gay, to take illegal drugs, to be on antidepressants, and to kill themselves.

There are a LOT of high-school aged children who have never set foot inside a church except for a family/friend wedding or funeral.  Obviously, their parents are at least practical atheists.  Yes, there are children who reject their parents' guidance and example, too.  They are committing a different sort of suicide. 

And we wonder about high-school kids committing suicide?  Or kids in their early-mid 20's?

Wonder no more.

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