Friday, August 02, 2024

The Trump Hostage Record

Yah, well, the corrections of Lyin'Biden won't come from the Presstitutes of Politifact or FactCheck or Snopes, eh?  So here they are.

First off:  Biden suggested that Trump should have secured the release of the three hostages who came home yesterday.  But in fact, TWO of them were taken hostage during Lyin'Biden's "presidency."

Here's a statement from Trump's man O'Brien, through Hugh Hewitt.  It's clear that this was a desperation deal, effectively giving away the store for some sort of 'legacy.'  Too bad that 'legacy' will likely result in more American hostages, eh?  See especially the last graf, wherein O'Brien expects that Kammy will run away from this deal as fast as she *POOF* became "black":

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