Friday, August 23, 2024

Harley-Davidson's Cross to Bear

We mentioned earlier that Harley's DEI/SJW lurch, epitomized by its President, was cast in bronze by Harley's Board of Directors.  Their sudden "reversal" on the DEI/SJW crapola looks good, but it's not the way things will play out behind the scenes.

"The Board?"  you say.

Yes.  Here's an accurate and brutal graf from Throckmorton at AOSHQ on one of the members:

...The nightmare for Ford Motor Company and its destructive CEO, Jim Farley, continues. As I have been documenting, Mr. Farley is a left-wing, eco-globalist who made the gamble to either transition Ford into a successful electric vehicle company, or to destroy the company while trying. He is destroying it....

That brings up the question:  "Is Harley's Glorious Experiment in Electric going to work?  Or will it look like Ford's?"

(Not just Ford.  GM, Volvo, and Audi are having serious inventory concerns (waaaaayyyy too much sitting on dealer lots), and those are only the ones who have admitted it publicly.)

Harley's DNA is the song of the pipes, not the hum of a dishwasher.  

Now you go ahead and answer the question all by yourselves.  

The next questionhow much are they going to write off?

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