Thursday, August 01, 2024

Dear Donald: It's the SPENDING!

The social positions of Donald Trump are those of most any Democrat of the late '60's/early '70's.  That's not really a surprise, as Trump was raised in a Democrat town and would have been near-drowned in those Democrat social bromides with one exception:  gay "marriage."  Trump approves, but '70's Democrats emphatically did not.

He's also picked up the Democrat 'spend-and-bond-it' praxis most easily seen in the LBJ "guns-and-butter" days.  Didn't hurt that real-estate development leans heavily on going way, way, way, into debt--just like he did during his term, with the "help" of Paul Ryan.

So now US debt is $31 Trillion and interest payments will suck up every.  single.  tax.  dollar paid in for the foreseeable future.

Yet The Donald has zero plans to cut spending on the Most Bloated Government in the history of the universe.

Do better, Donald.  Do better.

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