Tuesday, August 06, 2024

A Little Warm? Shoot Somebody!!

Bet  you never thought that sunshine makes you into a crazed shooter, didja, huh?

The Society for Environmental Journalists (SEJ) partnered up with the Maynard Institute for Journalism Education for a webinar Tuesday to provide data and information to journalists on the connection between gun violence and “extreme heat” in 100 of the largest cities in the U.S....

...The SEJ and Covering Climate Now (CCN) are part of a network of thousands of journalists and hundreds of media outlets reaching, according to CCN, an audience of 2 billion. Both groups receive funding from anti-fossil fuel activist organizations, and they encourage reporters to insert climate change into every topic, such as connecting gun violence to climate change, and avoid interviewing sources who question any aspect of the “climate crisis” narrative....

Willing to bet that there's some Federal funding in there as well.

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