Monday, July 01, 2024

What Fox6 "Forgot" on Trump Story

When even the far-left Snopes hedges its bets, there's reason to use caution.  In this case, it was the "suckers and losers" story.  But does Fox6 go prudent and mention the Snopes entry?

Hell, no!

Here's the pertinent part of the Fox6 story 

...The story, written by Jeffrey Goldberg on Sept. 3, 2020, reported that Trump belittled soldiers killed when the then-president canceled a trip to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris, France, in 2018.

Goldberg reported that Trump spoke with senior staff members the morning of the scheduled visit....

Here's the Snopes commentary:

...there appeared to be no evidence of an audio or video recording of the remarks in question, nor was there any documentation, such as transcripts or presidential notes, to independently confirm or deny the alleged quotes' authenticity. Moreover, since Snopes did not witness the in-question comments firsthand, we can't say for certain whether Trump called fallen soldiers "suckers" and "losers."...

Amusing that the Lying Left's favorite phrase, for the Election Fraud of '20 ("No evidence") is used here to put into question the assertion of a far-left writer writing for an ultra-far-left rag.

The only person who SEEMS to claim those were Trump's words is the disgraced (and fired) Gen. Kelly.  Snopes has this to say about that:

...Kelly, who was with Trump in Paris, confirmed that Trump did call American troops "losers" and "suckers," though it was unclear whether he witnessed the comments firsthand or heard about them from someone else, or from news reports....

That's a very polite way to say "He could be lying like Hell."

Do better, Fox6.

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